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Stories Archive > April 2006
· MSN 8.0 feature highlight: Word Wheel (Nickname Search)910023220-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Search Activity for Windows Live and MSN Messenger95079019-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· New Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0683 BETA Leaked!01007793.9018-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· MSN Messenger e-mail notifications not working97523118-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Troubles with MSN and Windows Messenger - Uninstalling Windows Messenger1015285412-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Font Color Changer released - Change your MSN Messenger Font Color!9417194.1208-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· New MSN Profile viewer tool added: View MSN Profiles with ease10287264.1105-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· Tony Blair answers questions over MSN Messenger115889504-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend
· MSN 8.0 Feature Spotlight: Offline Instant Messages (OIMs)4174232.504-Apr-2006Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend

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