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News > Uninstalling MSN Winks with the Winks Remover
Uninstalling MSN Winks with the Winks Remover
Posted by admin on Saturday, July 09, 2005 (01:49:10) (17464 reads)
MSN Winks

One of the current issues with using MSN Winks in MSN Messenger 7 is the difficulty of removing the Winks that you have installed quickly, and also being able to delete the default MSN Winks if you do not wish to keep them installed.

You can now delete all of your custom installed Winks and the default MSN Winks within a matter of seconds using the newly released MSN Winks Remover!

MSN Winks Remover

'Why would I need to remove my Winks?' I hear you ask, well here are a few common reasons:

  • Adding too many MSN Winks can slow down MSN Messenger when working with them, even on fairly fast computers
  • Removing many Winks quickly is not currently possible in MSN Messenger, you have to delete each Wink manually.
  • You cant remove the default MSN Winks if you dont want them

Download the MSN Winks Remover by clicking Here

Get more information on Winks from our MSN Winks category.

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